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新一代区域海-气-浪耦合台风预报系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依托国家重点基础研究(973)计划项目"上层海洋对台风的响应和调制机理研究",中国气象局上海台风研究所联合国家海洋局的相关单位,通过实施近海台风的外场观测科学试验、加强台风边界层(特别是海气相互作用)物理过程诊断分析及参数化方案等的研究,建立并改进了台风强度预报的海-气-浪耦合预报模式系统,并在此基础上发展了台风强度的集合预报技术,在历史典型台风个例和2016-2017年台汛期的业务化测试中表现出良好的预报性能。  相似文献   
Considering the feature of tropical cyclones (TCs) that strong positive vorticity exists in the lower layers of troposphere, this study proposed to use vorticity at 850 hPa as cost function to find the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP), which was largely different from those previous studies using total energy of perturbed forecast variables. The CNOP was obtained by an ensemble-based approach. All of the sensitive areas determined by CNOP with vorticity at 850 hPa as cost function for the three cases were located over the TC core region and its vicinity. The impact of the CNOP-based adaptive observations on TC forecasts was evaluated with three cases via observational system simulation experiments (OSSEs). Results showed obvious improvements in TC intensity or track forecasts due to the CNOP-based adaptive observations, which were related to the main error source of the verification area, i.e., intensity error or location error.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍小波检验方法在国内区域业务模式中的最新应用研究进展,该方法被应用于模式降水预报的个例检验和统计检验,并针对两种解决二元域限制问题的技术方案进行阐述和讨论。结果表明:D8小波可以提供一种从不同降水率阈值和空间尺度对模式定量降水预报进行评估的方案,该方案首先对预报场和分析场进行阈值获得二进制误差场,再对二进制误差场进行尺度分解,从而可以评估模式在各个降水率阈值和空间尺度上的预报技巧和偏差。统计检验结果显示模式对较大尺度降水事件表现出较高的预报技巧评分,较小尺度降水事件和强降水的预报技巧评分相对较低,并且总体上呈现出预报降水事件多于观测降水事件的特征。Padding方案和Tiling方案对应的模式统计检验结果并无明显差异,由于后者不对原始降水场做任何改变,因此是一种更为稳健和可靠的方案。  相似文献   
中央气象台台风强度综合预报误差分析   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
张守峰  余晖  向纯怡 《气象》2015,41(10):1278-1285
本文从总误差、逐年趋势、误差分布等方面对2001—2012年中央气象台(Central Meteorological Observatory, CMO)的台风(TC)强度综合预报水平进行分析,初步分析了强度迅速变化台风预报偏差大的原因。结果表明,强度预报水平没有明显改善,预报误差呈现逐年波动状态,强度稳定TC的预报误差最小,迅速加强TC的预报误差最大。24、96~120 h预报偏强的概率较大,而48~72 h预报偏弱的概率大。南海东北部等海域的预报误差较大,应在业务预报中特别予以关注。随着TC强度的逐渐增强,强度预报在120 h内预报偏强的可能性变大,而强度预报偏弱的可能性减小。根据误差分析结果,提出了一个强度概率预报方案,检验结果表明可在业务中参考使用。  相似文献   
上海“7·31”局地强对流快速更新同化数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓峰  王平  张蕾  许晓林  李佳 《高原气象》2015,34(1):124-136
利用雷达、自动气象站、飞机观测(AMDAR)和探空等多种观测资料,采用中尺度数值预报模式WRF和资料同化系统ADAS,对2011年7月31日上海局地强对流过程进行了快速更新同化数值试验。结果表明,数值试验模拟降水的发生时间、落区和随时间演变与实况基本一致,较好再现了海陆热力差异导致上海南北两支海陆风爆发、形成低层辐合线,在热岛效应的叠加下进一步增强,继而引发局地强对流的过程。快速更新同化技术可有效延长此次过程的预警时效,这为城市强对流业务预报提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
薛霖  李英  许映龙  王蕾  戴高菊 《大气科学》2015,39(4):789-801
台风在趋近大陆过程中强度一般衰减, 但Meranti(1010)北上进入台湾海峡过程中却迅速加强, 且在登陆福建时达到最强。采用中国气象局台风资料、NCEP GFS 0.5°×0.5°再分析资料及台湾雷达资料, 结合中尺度数值模式WRF(The Weather Research and Forecasting Model)开展台湾地形敏感性试验, 研究Meranti进入台湾海峡过程中的结构变化及迅速加强机理。结果表明:台湾地形是Meranti迅速加强的一个重要影响因子。Meranti北上过程中, 一方面通过台湾岛地形分流作用及其背风坡效应在台湾海峡内诱生中尺度涡旋, 形成正负相间的涡度分布, 激发出与台风相关的扰动波列。地形强迫抬升及扰动波列可加强垂直运动和积云对流, 有利于台风对流发展。另一方面, 台湾地形还通过改变环境气流使台风高空辐散场加强, 环境风垂直切变减小, 形成有利于台风发展的环流背景。比较不同高度台湾地形试验中台风动能收支发现, 台湾地形激发的扰动波列和积云对流增强了次网格尺度系统与台风间能量的交换, 成为Meranti登陆前迅速加强的主要动能源。  相似文献   
In this study a coupled air–sea–wave model system, containing the model components of GRAPES-TCM, ECOM-si and WAVEWATCH III, is established based on an air–sea coupled model. The changes of wave state and the effects of sea spray are both considered. Using the complex air–sea–wave model, a set of idealized simulations was applied to investigate the effects of air–sea–wave interaction in the upper ocean. Results show that air–wave coupling can strengthen tropical cyclones while air–sea coupling can weaken them; and air–sea–wave coupling is comparable to that of air–sea coupling, as the intensity is almost unchanged with the wave model coupled to the air–sea coupled model. The mixing by vertical advection is strengthened if the wave effect is considered, and causes much more obvious sea surface temperature (SST) decreases in the upper ocean in the air–sea coupled model. Air–wave coupling strengthens the air–sea heat exchange, while the thermodynamic coupling between the atmosphere and ocean weakens the air–sea heat exchange: the air–sea–wave coupling is the result of their balance. The wave field distribution characteristic is determined by the wind field. Experiments are also conducted to simulate ocean responses to different mixed layer depths. With increasing depth of the initial mixed layer, the decrease of SST weakens, but the temperature decrease of deeper layers is enhanced and the loss of heat in the upper ocean is increased. The significant wave height is larger when the initial mixed layer depth increases.  相似文献   
利用2007—2009年热带降雨测量卫星(TRMM)微波成像仪(TMI)观测的亮温资料,建立一种西北太平洋热带气旋强度(Tropical Cyclone,TC)的估计模型,对2010年热带气旋进行独立估计试验,并对估计误差进行分析。结果表明:该模型对强度小于强台风TC的拟合效果较好,均方根误差约为5 m/s,平均绝对误差约为4 m/s;对强台风和超强台风TC的拟合误差较大,均方根误差分别为9.65和6.60 m/s,平均绝对误差分别为7.76和5.49 m/s;对强台风及以上强度的TC,模型的拟合误差在日(夜)间减小(增大),误差最小(大)值为6.00 m/s(11.96 m/s),说明估计值在日(夜)间偏大(小)。  相似文献   
张旭  黄伟  陈葆德 《气象学报》2015,73(2):331-340
将一种新的高度地形追随坐标(Klemp坐标)引入了GRAPES区域模式,并与传统追随坐标(Gal-Chen坐标)和平缓地形追随坐标(SLEVE,Smooth Level Vertical coordinate)进行了比较。对不同坐标下气压梯度力的计算误差通过理想静止大气试验进行了评估,结果表明:与Gal-Chen坐标和SLEVE坐标相比,Klemp坐标有效地减小了气压梯度力的计算误差。理想重力波模拟试验表明,Klemp坐标下对重力波的模拟相比其他两种坐标也更接近于解析解。模式进一步采用了Mahrer气压梯度计算方案减少了计算误差,并提高了模式的精度和稳定性。实际个例试验与理想试验的结论相似。  相似文献   
The precipitation during landfall of typhoon Haitang (2005) showed asymmetric structures (left side/right side of the track). Analysis of Weather Research and Forecasting model simulation data showed that rainfall on the right side was more than 15 times stronger than on the left side. The causes were analyzed by focusing on comparing the water vapor flux, stability and upward motion between the two sides. The major results were as follows: (2) Relative humidity on both sides was over 80%, whereas the convergence of water vapor flux in the lower troposphere was about 10 times larger on the right side than on the left side. (5) Both sides featured conditional symmetric instability [MPV (moist potential vorticity) <0], but the right side was more unstable than the left side. (6) Strong (weak) upward motion occurred throughout the troposphere on the right (left) side. The Q vector diagnosis suggested that large-scale and mesoscale forcing accounted for the difference in vertical velocity. Orographic lift and surface friction forced the development of the asymmetric precipitation pattern. On the right side, strong upward motion from the forcing of different scale weather systems and topography caused a substantial release of unstable energy and the transportation of water vapor from the lower to the upper troposphere, which produced torrential rainfall. However, the above conditions on the left side were all much weaker, which led to weaker rainfall. This may have been the cause of the asymmetric distribution of rainfall during the landfall of typhoon Haitang.  相似文献   
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